Montag, 20. January 2025 

Ausstellungen 2016

Weihnachtsausstellung Olten, 18.12.2016 - Richterin: P.Stanley (GB)-Richterin Babies : H.Jokisilta (FIN)

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's All That Matters Baby Vv1/Best Baby Of Breed
Twilight Star's All I Want Is You Baby Vv
Twilight Star's Zecchino d'Oro of Najko's Jk V1/JCAC
Twilight Star's Zaffiro Rosso of Najko's JK V3
Twilight Star's Zabaione of Najko's JK SG
Twilight Star's Zucchero of Najko's ZK V2/RCAC
Twilight Star's You're The Inspiration ZK SG4
Twilight Star's X-Large OK V
Sweet Macchiato z Grodu Hrabiego Malmesbury Chk V1/CAC/BOB
Twilight Star's Voices In The Sky Chk V
Twilight Star's Like A Cup Of Coffee Vk V1/VCAC
Twilight Star's All In Good Time Baby Vv1
Twilight Star's All I Wish Baby Vv3
Twilight Star's All My Loving Baby Vv4
Twilight Star's All I Ask Of You Baby Vv
Twilight Star's Zaffira of Najko's JK V3
Twilight Star's Z Las Vegas of Najko's ZK V
Twilight Star's Xclusive Pretty Chaya Ok V1/CAC
Twilight Star's Vision Of Love Ok V3
Twilight Star's Part Of My Life Chk V2/RCAC
Almanza Femme Fatale Chk V4
Twilight Star's Nothing Compares 2 U Vk V3

Erba, 11.12.2016 - Richter: J.Homen de Mello

Name Klasse Resultat
Almanza Femme Fatale ChK V1/CAC/CACIB- C I E

Wels, 11.12.2016 - Richter: D.Ericsson (S)

Name Klasse Resultat
Almanza Get A Grip ChK V1/CAC/CACIB/BOB/BIG3
Twilight Star's Voices In The Sky ChK V2/RCAC
Twilight Star's Part of My Life VK V1/VCAC/VBOB- Österreicher Veteranen Champion

Wels, 10.12.2016 - Richter: P.Machetanz (D)

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Voices In The Sky ChK V2/RCAC

San Marino, 4.12.2016 - Richter: A.Belkin (RUS)

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Voices In The Sky OK V1/CAC/CACIB/BOB/BIG 1- San Marino Champion
Twilight Star's Z Las Vegas of Najko's JK V1/JCAC/JBOS-San Marino Jugend Champion
Twilight Star's Nothing Compares 2 U VK V1/VCAC/VBOB/RBISVeteran-San Marino Veteranen Champion

San Marino, 3.12.2016 - Richter: R.Kazlauskaite (LUT)

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Voices In The Sky OK V1/CAC/CACIB/BOB/BIG 3
Twilight Star's Z Las Vegas of Najko's JK V1/JCAC/JBOS
Twilight Star's Nothing Compares 2 U VK V1/VCAC/VBOB/BOS/VBIS

Genf, 20.11.2016 - Richterin: M.Schär (CH)

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Voices In The Sky ChK V2/RCAC
Twilight Star's Z Las Vegas of Najko's JK V1/JCAC/JBOS
Twilight Star's Zaffira of Najko's JK SG
Twilight Star's Part of My Life ChK V2/RCAC

Genf, 19.11.2016 - Richterin: S.Schär (CH)

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Zucchero of Najko's JK V2/RJCAC
Twilight Star's Voices In The Sky ChK V2/RCAC
Twilight Star's Z Las Vegas of Najko's JK V1/JCAC/JBOS
Twilight Star's Part of My Life ChK V2/RCAC

Genf, 18.11.2016 - Richter: J.Muldoon (Irl)

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Zucchero of Najko's JK V1/JCAC/JBOS
Twilight Star's Voices In The Sky ChK V2/RCAC
Twilight Star's Z Las Vegas of Najko's JK V1/JCAC/JBOB- Schweizer Jugend Champion
Twilight Star's Zaffira of Najko's JK SG

Karlsruhe, 13.11.2016 - Richter: S.Sand (N)

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Xplosive Sweetheart OK V

Karlsruhe, 12.11.2016 - Richter: A.Kamorowski (D)

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Xplosive Sweetheart OK SG

Insubria, 30.10.2016 - Richterin: M.Poggesi (I)

Name Klasse Resultat
Almanza Get A Grip ChK V1/CAC/CACIB/BOS

Tulln, 2.10.2016 - Richterin: T.Schmid (CH)

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Voices In The Sky ChK V3

Tulln, 1.10.2016 - Richterin:.R.Barbour

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Voices In The Sky Chk SG2

Grafenegg, 30.9.2016 - Richter: K.Järminen (Fin)

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Voices In The Sky Chk V3

Avenches, 25.9.2016 - Richter: M.Gruber (CH)

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Zecchino d'Oro of Najko's JK V1/JCAC/Best Junior of Breed
Twilight Star's Zabaione of Najko's JK SG
Sweet Macchiato z Grodu Hrabiego Malmesbury CHK V1/CAC/BOB
Twilight Star's Voices In The Sky CHk SG2
Twilight Star's Zaffira of Najko's Jk V1/JCAC
Twilight Star's Z Las Vegas of Najko's JK V4
Twilight Star's Xclusive Pretty Chaya Ok V4
Twilight Star's Part Of My Life ChK V1/CAC/BOS

Winnenden, 17.9.2016 - Richterin: A.Pokorn (SLO)

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Xplosive Sweetheart Ok V4

Luxembourg, 10.9.2016 - Richter: J.Gelaude (B)

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Voices In The Sky ChK V1/CACL-Luxembourgischer Champion
Twilight Star's Z Las Vegas Of Najko's Jk V3
Twilight Star's Nothing Compares 2 U Vk V1/VCAC/VBOB-Luxembourgischer Veteranen Champion

Lich, 28.6.2016 - Richterin: K.Holland (GB)

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Part Of My Life Vk V1/VCAC/VBOB

EDS Brüssel, 26.6.2016 - Richter: B.Matakovic (Cro)

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Part Of My Life Vk V2

Clubshow, 14.8.2016 - Richter: B.Lundgren (S)

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Zucchero of Najko's JK V1/JCAC/JBOB
Twilight Star's Zabaione of Najko's JK V
Twilight Star's Zaffiro Rosso of Najko's JK SG
Twilight Star's Zecchino d'Oro of Najko's JK SG
Sweet Macchiato z Grodu Hrabiego Malmesbury Chk V2/RCAC
Twilight Star's Voices In The Sky Chk V4
Twilight Star's Zaffira of Najko's JK V2/RCAC
Twilight Star's Z Las Vegas of Najko's JK V
Twilight Star's Xplosive Sweetheart Ok SG
Twilight Star's Part Of My Life Chk V

Innsbruck, 14.8.2016 - Richterin: D.Getzinger (A)

Name Klasse Resultat
Almanza Get A Grip ChK V2/RCAC
Twilight Star's Voices In The Sky ChK V3
Sweet Macchiato z Grodu Hrabiego Malmesbury Ok V1/CAC
Twilight Star's Part Of My Life Vk V1/VCAC

Innsbruck, 13.8.2016 - Richter: S.Scarpellini (I)

Name Klasse Resultat
Almanza Get A Grip ChK V2/RCAC
Twilight Star's Voices In The Sky ChK V4
Sweet Macchiato z Grodu Hrabiego Malmesbury Ok V1/CAC/RCACIB
Twilight Star's Part Of My Life Vk V1/VCAC

Aichach, 25.6.2016 - Richterin: L.Hägglund (SE)

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Unchain My Heart GhK V
Twilight Star's Ready Steady Go Ok V

IHA Erfurt, 18.6.2016 - Richter: C.Moore (Aus)

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Voices In The Sky Ok V1/CAC/CACIB

IHA Aarau, 19.6.2016 - Richter: K.Kriisk (EST)

Name Klasse Resultat
Sweet Macchiato z Grodu Hrabiego Malmesbury Chk V1/CAC/RCACIB-Schweizer Champion
Twilight Star's Z Las Vegas of Najko's JK V1/JCAC/Jugendiseger
Twilight Star's Xclusive Pretty Chaya ZK V4
Twilight Star's Xplosive Sweetheart ZK V3
Twilight Star's U Got The Look ChK V2/RCAC-Schweizer Champion
Almanza Femme Fatale Ok V1/CAC/CACIB/BOB/BOG2
Twilight Star's Q-Tip Ok V3
Twilight Star's Vision Of Love Ok V
Twilight Star's Part Of My Life Vk V1/VCAC/Veteranensieger-Schweizer Veteranen Champion

NHA Erfurt, 18.6.2016 - Richter: C.Moore (Aus)

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Voices In The Sky Ok V1/CAC/BOS-VDH Champion

NHA Aarau, 18.6.2016 - Richterin: N.Davidovic 

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's View From Heaven Ok V2/RCAC
Sweet Macchiato z Grodu Hrabiego Malmesbury Chk V1/CAC
Twilight Star's Zaffira of Najko's JK V4
Twilight Star's Z Las Vegas of Najko's JK V1/JCAC/Jugendiseger
Twilight Star's Xclusive Pretty Chaya ZK V2/RCAC
Twilight Star's Xplosive Sweetheart ZK V4
Twilight Star's U Got The Look ChK V1/CAC
Almanza Femme Fatale Ok V1/CAC/Beste Hündin-Schweizer Champion
Twilight Star's Vision Of Love Ok V4
Twilight Star's Part Of My Life Vk V1/VCAC/Veteranensieger/BOB

IHA Kreuzlingen, 21.5.2016 - Richterin: T.Schmid (CH)

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Zaffiro Rosso of Najko's JüK Vv1
Twilight Star's Voices In The Sky Ok SG4
Sweet Macchiato z Grodu Hrabiego Malmesbury Chk V1/CAC
Twilight Star's Zaffira of Najko's JüK VV1/Jüngstensiegerin
Twilight Star's Z Las Vegas of Najko's JüK VV2
Twilight Star's Xclusive Pretty Chaya ZK V1/CAC
Twilight Star's U Got The Look ChK V2/RCAC
Almanza Femme Fatale Ok V1/CAC/RCACIB
Twilight Star's Vision Of Love Ok SG

Saarbrücken, 15.5.2016 - Richterin: C.Lohmann (D)

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Voices In The Sky Ok V2/RCAC
Rudskog's Nowember Rain Chk V1/CAC

Clubssiegerscahu Klagenfurt, 15.5.2016 - Richter: J.R.Sauge (N)

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Z Las Vegas of Najko's JüK Vv1/Best Puppy of Breed/Best Puppy In Show

Saarbrücken15.5.2016 - Richterin: L.Mach (CH)

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Voices In The Sky Ok V2/RCAC
Rudskog's Nowember Rain ChK V2/RCAC

Dortmund, 8.5.2016 - Richter: B.Lane (GB)

Name Klasse Resultat
Sweet Macchiato z Grodu Hrabiego Malmesbury Chk V1/CAC/CACIB/BOB/VDH Frühjahressieger
Twilight Star's Part Of My Life Vk V1/VCAC/VBOB/VDH Veteranen Frühjahressieger

Dortmund, 7.5.2016 - Richterin: S.Lane (GB)

Name Klasse Resultat
Sweet Macchiato z Grodu Hrabiego Malmesbury Chk V2/RCAC/RCACIB
Twilight Star's Part Of My Life Vk V1/VCAC/VBOB/Veteranen Europasieger

Montricher, 24.4.2016 - Richterin: M.Legrand-Leloup (F)

Name Klasse Resultat
Sweet Macchiato z Grodu Hrabiego Malmesbury Ok V2/RCAC
Dakotaspirit Kippari ChK V1/CAC/BOB/Res Best In Show
Twilight Star's Part Of My Life Vk V1/VCAC/VBOB/Best Veteran In Show

Spezialzuchtschau Friedberg, 23.4.2016 - Richterin: A.Geschwindt-Erikson (SE)

Name Klasse Resultat
Sweet Macchiato z Grodu Hrabiego Malmesbury Ok V1/CAC
Almanza Get A Grip ChK V1/CAC/BOS
Twilight Star's Part Of My Life Vk V1/VCAC/VBOB/Best Veteran In Show

IHA Mulhouse, 3.4.2016 - Richterin: C.Varaine (FR)

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Xplosive Sweetheart Zk V2

Internzionale San Marino, 3.4.2016 - Richter: O.Yanchev (RU)

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Voices In The Sky Ok SG1
Almanza Femme Fatale Ok V1/CAC/CACIB/BOB
Twilight Star's Vision Of Love Ok SG2

Nazionale San Marino, 1.4.2016 - Richter: P.Harsanyj (H)

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Voices In The Sky Ok V1/CAC/BOB

IHA Offenburg, 12.3.2016 - Richterin: D. Mensink (NL)

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Z Las Vegas Of Najko's Jük VV1
Twilight Star's Xplosive Sweetheart Zk V2 RCAC

Crufts, 11.3.2016 - Richterin: E. Brooks (GB)

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Part Of My Life Vk RES

Herrenberg, 30.1.2016 - Richterin: A.v Adrichem Boogaert-Kwint (NL)

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Xplosive Sweetheart Zk V3
Twilight Star's U Got The Look ChK V4
Twilight Star's Unchain My Heart GhK V4
Twilight Star's Nothing Compares 2 U Vk V3

Nürnberg, 9.1.2016 - Richterin: A.Pusch (DE)

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Qualcosa da XanXenia Chk V2/RCAC

Modena, 6.1.2016

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Qualcosa da XanXenia Chk V1

Massa Carra, 3.1.2016

Name Klasse Resultat
Twilight Star's Vision Of Love OK V1/CAC/RCACIB
Twilight Star's Qualcosa da XanXenia Chk V2

Jahreswertung des RCS 2015

Name Klasse Resultat
Almanza Get A Grip Rüden 1. Platz – Top Winner BOS
Sweet Macchiato z Grodu Hrabiego Malmesbury Rüden 6. Platz
Twilight Star's Voices In The Sky Rüden 8. Platz
Twilight Star's Part Of My Life Hündinnen 2. Platz
Twilight Star's Nothing Compares 2 U Hündinnen 8. Platz
Twilight Star's Xclusive Pretty Chaya Puppy 4. Platz
Twilight Star's With My Angel's Help Puppy 10. Platz
Beauty Nights Dream Of Glory Stud Dog 2. Platz
Twilight Star's Nothing Compares 2 U Brood Bitch 2. Platz
Huntlover's First Chocolate Caramel Brood Bitch 3. Platz